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“What Are Your Fellow Funnel Hackers Saying About
Dan Havey and ClickFunnels Mastery?”
( Check Out These Videos... )
Alex S. Elliot and Kathryn Jones
"The internet does not deserve the goodness that is Dan Havey..."
Aaron Gonzales Video Testimonial
Aaron Gonzales
"He basically walked me thru this issue I was having and he found the solution - he told me exactly what to do..."
Doug Twiddy Video Testimonial
Doug Twiddy
"Dan was able to help me out with my problem and point out more problems I had that I wasn't even aware of - got my program up and running perfectly..."
Kathy Stone Video Testimonial
Kathy Stone
"He helped me with some issues I was having and pointed out some things I wasn't even aware were wrong with my funnel..."
Coulton Woods Video Testimonial
Coulton Woods
"I've been talking to Steve and we have to figure out how to put his part of what he trains on, the simple beginning part, in the members area..."
Katrina Oakley Video Testimonial
Katrina Oakley
"It's his ability to think outside the box and make some of your wishes come true without being crazily complex..."
Ephraim Makombe Video Testimonial
Ephraim Makombe
"I found his knowledge base - I found his information very, very helpful to me as a beginner..."
Michelle Archer Momeny Video Testimonial
Michelle Archer Momeny
"He'll show you exactly what is happening and why things are not working the way you think things should be working.  He has been an incredible resource for many problems I have encountered in my young entrepreneurial journey..."
Nikolay Yordanov Video Testimonial
Nikolay Yordanov
"I was quite desperate... he solved the issue in like 5 minutes... and I was quite amazed!"
Jason Nast Video Testimonial
Jason Nast
"I've been having a problem for months in my ClickFunnels Account... and within an hour he was able to solve my problem, not only for me but for all of my clients..."
Christina Nguyen Video Testimonial
Christina Nguyen
"He 'code-hacked' my membership area - he figured out what I needed, so I was like 'Hallelujah I don't have to go back to a Wordpress site!'"
James Cuilty Video Testimonial
James Cuilty
"He was able to not only fix it, but he was able to pull out things that were wrong with it that I didn't even know were possible. I wish I had met him 3 1/2 years ago..."
 Video Testimonial
Crystal Pekarek
"I had a bid problem with my WordPress Site...  I reached out to the ClickFunnels help desk and unfortunately they were unable to help (after 5 days)... Dan jumped on a Zoom call and within 10 minutes he had everything figured out... it was super-awesome! "
Joey Allbritton Video Testimonial
Joey Allbritton
"If you ever need anything with membership areas, anything with ClickFunnels, if it can be done Dan knows how to do it...."
 Video Testimonial
Christy Sandwell
"I couldn't figure out how to integrate MailChimp into the funnel I was building...  he was able to walk me thru the entire process, start-to-finish... he made me feel like I could definitely do this the next time I run into this problem."
Kyle Kirschbaum Video Testimonial
Kyle Kirschbaum
"I was so frustrated trying to figure out my SMTP settings for a new website in ClickFunnels... we jumped on Zoom and he fixed my problem." 
Griet Coetzer Video Testimonial
Griet Coetzer
"I am very new to this whole industry so any help that is extended to me I will take... the small fee he charges is worth every penny."
Toni Barnett Video Testimonial
Toni Barnett
"When he doesn't have the answer he will go out and find the answer, which is kind of unique... and he's made me quite confident that I have the right funnel guy in my corner."
Moshe Sherizen Video Testimonial
Moshe Sherizen
"I spent definitely over 8 hours trying to figure some stuff out... and within a half hour consultation we were able to get done what took me 10 hours and I didn't even get it done myself..."
Becky Beaulieu Video Testimonial
Becky Beaulieu
"He knows exactly what he was talking about, which is not what I can say for the 3 other people I had who tried to help me...  I finally have someone that I can call when I do have technical issues with ClickFunnels"
Eddie Picaso Video Testimonial
Eddie Picaso
"I was stuck on a specific funnel that I wanted to get something changed to it, it required some expertise... and he really paid attention to my needs, to what I was asking for... and it actually gave me confidence to take on some clients."
 Video Testimonial
Brittany Conlin Jones
"He's such a Pro at ClickFunnels and he really knows his stuff and... to be able to use him as an awesome resource because he's really great..."
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